Hey guys! Join us for our second monthly Town Hall: Bridging the Gap Part 2! We will be inviting some of our previous guests including Jean-Louis Reneson, Uzomaka Obiocha, and Ifeanyi Okafor, as well as our new guest, Fasola Oguntunde. We will be discussing topics on shared values across the Diaspora, individual inner-work, and much more!

In Part 1 we discussed the trauma of intra-racial friction/anti-Blackness, imperialism, and defined what Black unity could look like in this era of structural upheaval and Black restoration.

Here are some highlights from last month’s Town Hall. Jean-Louis talks about the global phenomenon of finding black people all over the world fighting for the same basic values of life, food, health, education, and social or political opportunities.

“These aren’t things that are grandiose, they are very basic”

Jean-Louis Reneson

He poses the question, how do we build a collective without opposition; without undermining from people who don’t necessarily see the value in our own beings?

Uzomaka proposes an answer stating that building a collective without opposition is more about connecting with our ancestors, connecting with our gods, nature, using spiritual technologies to tap into the power that is in us, instead of going toe-to-toe and returning evil for evil. 

“We do not have the same capacity for violence as our white counterparts, because our axiology prioritizes interpersonal relationships over the greed that characterizes dominating European philosophies”

Uzomaka Obiocha

Join us tomorrow, Saturday September 5th, at 10am EST on YouTube! Drop a message here in the live chat if you wish to contribute to the conversation live or join behind the scenes afterward!

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