Carry Her. Charly Palmer.

Checking in, dreaming in

Hi guys. It’s been a while since I checked in. I appreciate you for being part of the dreaming out loud that noirpress allows us. Our conversations here have been a critical part of my Medicine.

How has your evolution been? Drop me a line and let me know.

Sending you a warm hug, and a warm welcome to our 

newest family members.

Black Political Power on the Road to Wakanda

I was today years old when I learned about James Davis, the city councilman who was gunned down in New York’s City Hall 20 years ago.

Davis was a tireless fighter for gun control and youth development who’s memory still brings Brooklynites to tears.

He served at a time when droves of young Black Brooklynites were getting involved in politics to save NY from the grip of endless, tragic violence that 90s New York was known for. Mayor Eric Adams, Hakeem Jeffries and Tish James were part of that wave.

It’s crazy that this story came up as I prepared this piece to introduce our upcoming series on civic engagement.

James Davis was a dynamic political figure who brought major change to BK.

The road to Wakanda has been littered with Black bodies. But it doesn’t have to be, going forward.

If we can get it right—which I know we can—Wakanda is possible in our lifetimes. This is a dream I can not give up as long as I’m breathing. Today I’d like to introduce you to two of the newest reasons why.

The Holy Grail of Civic Engagement 

I was supposed to write one article about these guys but it’s turning into a book, so it’ll have to be a noirpress series. Nia Weeks and Damien D. Smith. Names you need to know.

You heard it here first: they’ll be household names in a matter of waves. And I believed that even before Damien sued the LAPD for racial violence, which went public last week. They are among NOIR Labs’ esteemed group of clients.

Let’s cover them in prayers, shall we. Divine Infinity, we ask that you cover Damien in your Holy Light. Purify and protect him, everything and everyone around him in Jesus Mighty Black Name. Let him prevail in his case against the LA sect of the forces of police terror that have decimated our people for too long.

May Nia be president one day. Cover her, Lord. Amen.

For now, just know that they are the future of civic engagement.

Of voter engagement.

They are the future of civic restructuring.

Of campaign development.

In the next several pieces on them, their work, and the context that makes their work so critical, we’ll be engaging with urgent matters of civic education, Liberation and democracy.

We’ll need more writers for our ongoing analyses of civic engagement, so please reply if you are one and can handle this topic.

Meanwhile you can watch Nia and Damien’s Black Genius episodes above. Let us know what you think.

Much love,


Invest in black upliftment 

Archives: A History of Our Black Future

In Memory of Aunty Sola

Founder of SPILL on their Explosive Growth

An Open Letter to the Black Church

NOIR Labs Teams Up with Brooklyn Arts Council on Visionary Platform for Artist Advancement


Portal X will accelerate your journey to your highest destiny. Become a founding member now.

Upgrade your team with an Ubuntu-Agile Team Retreat

Set your teen up for their glorious future with BGU’s College Prep Course

Register for the next 21 Days to Liberated Habits

Support our work

Meet the Artist

Charly Palmer’s paintbrush is a Griot. In every painting, he bears witness of African ancestry and contemporary experiences — rhythmic, visual stories that shifts what each viewer believes.

Palmer’s desire is to be used as a vessel and expression of something higher than himself.

Learn more here.

It takes a village to Liberate Black people!

We’re grateful for your continued support. He who feeds you controls you. We want to be controlled only by our devotion to the Liberation of our people. If you believe more Black people need frequent access to information, communities and experiences that Liberate us from within, permanently, then you should drive our work.  DonatePartner or Hire Us.

Become a client: Partner with us to operationalize Liberation from Within at scale. We’ll help you use data, tech and creative production to explode your impact while cultivating your people. We offer team-building, narrative refinement and systems design services rooted in Black Genius to organizations, communities and governments. Clients have included Amazon, Yale, Brooklyn Arts Council and others.

Much love!

Lolade Siyonbola

Olori Lolade Siyonbola is the Founder of NOIR Labs, noirpress and NOIR FEST. She is a Gates Scholar pursing her doctorate at Cambridge University, she has a computer science degree from Mizzou and an African Studies Masters from Yale. Olori believes that technology (digital, spiritual and other forms) must be wielded intentionally in the service of the Liberation of oppressed people everywhere. Using technology, art and community building, she is leading NOIR Labs to inspire and operationalize Black Liberation worldwide.

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