Center of the Universe. Nettrice Gaskins. 2020.

Sunday Sermon

The world remains aflame, but Black Genius leads the way.

The Church of Baduism

Did you know the term “stay woke” originated from Erykah Badu’s 2008 album, New Amerykah?

Her semi-recent interview with Ari Melber was the church we needed today. She gave a Word on being yourself and allowing Divine alignment for the Divine timing of your purpose fulfillment. Watch below.

The Global Masses Support Palestine

As much as it may seem unfair that Black suffering rarely gets this kind of attention, it’s important to recognize how the militaristic oppression modeled by Israel in this moment, and supported by the US is representative of the model, the tactics, the strategies used in the Congo, in Sudan, in Nigeria. When you spin a narrative eluding that an entire group of people “don’t exist”, it sets the stage to pulverize an entire country and the millions of humans living in it. May the Divine help us.

You must’ve seen the insanely massive global protests in support of Palestine, but did you see the leaked documents claiming that Israel has always intended to use this genocide to completely overtake Palestinian land? I mean, anyone who knows the broad history of the area already knew this, but isn’t it always nice when war criminals incriminate themselves? See the screenshotted translation of the below document on our Palestine drive here.

Israeli Intelligence’s plan for Gaza. Translation here.

Netanyahu is building quite a reputation for himself… If you’ve been contributing to the efforts to hold Israel accountable for their war crimes, keep it up. The collective pressure is having an impact. Fighting Israel’s settler colonialism in this moment is fighting all settler colonialism.

Breaking the Veil of ‘Antisemitism’

Jews globally continue to be outspoken in their support for the Palestinians, while zionists continue to hide their cowardice under the cloak of perpetual “antisemitic victimhood”. See the below picture from the London protests in which hundreds of thousands demanded an end to the Genocide, and the message capturing an exchange between Jews and Palestinians in London.

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Black Palestinian & Black Muslim Art

Have you ever seen a Black Palestinian before?

Alajaweed is a dance troupe comprised of Black Palestinians exiled to a refugee camp in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. They’ve gained global popularity performing a traditional Arab folk dance, Dabke, originating from the mountains of the Levantine region–including Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq.

“Dabke is a message. Dabke is folklore. Dabke is a philosophy, a very deep philosophy.” Does it remind you of Black Greek stepping at all?

New Music from Toronto-raised Sudanese artist Mustapha the Poet is soothing soulmedicine at a time like this. Mustapha, whose family left the violence of the Sudan for the violence of Canada’s biggest housing project, has been celebrated by folks like Drake, worked with the Weeknd, Usher and others.

Watch Name of God below and listen on all platforms where you listen to your music.

If you’re looking for a church-like message in tune with the metaphysical science of manifestation, this was everything today.

Need help relaxing? Try this free meditation track from the 21 Days course. Password to access is Liberated (case sensitive).

Connect More 

noirpress Founder Olori Lolade will be among those speaking this week at Yale’s Center for Collaborative Arts and Media. Yale CCAM will host their annual symposium, Machine as Medium: Matter & Spirit, featuring many thinkers and creatives at the intersection of creative production and technological design. Olori Lolade’s talk will be on Ai as a tool for global social justice.

The African Diaspora Awards are taking place in New York in just a month. Learn about last years event here and follow ADA for tickets.

Harvard/Yale Weekend takes place in New Haven this year in New Haven. Follow the AfAm Cultural Center for events for Black Yalies, Harvard folk and everybody in between.

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Want deeper community around your dreams? Register for the next 21 Days to Liberated Habits​

Have a lot to say on news from the Black globe? Write for noirpress

Need help fulfilling your highest potential? Tap into the Portal X algorithm. Become a founding member now​

Want to see more harmony in your team? Book an Ubuntu-Agile Team Retreat

Meet the Artist

Dr. Nettrice R. Gaskins is an African American digital artist, academic, cultural critic and advocate of STEAM fields. In her work she explores “techno-vernacular creativity” and Afrofuturism.

Currently, Dr. Gaskins is a 2021 Ford Global Fellow and the assistant director of the Lesley STEAM Learning Lab at Lesley University. She is an advisory board member for the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech. Her first full-length book, Techno-Vernacular Creativity and Innovation is available through The MIT Press.

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It takes a village to Liberate Black people!

We’re grateful for your continued support. He who feeds you controls you. We want to be controlled only by our devotion to the Liberation of our people. If you believe more Black people need frequent access to information, communities and experiences that Liberate us from within, permanently, then join us! DonatePartner or Hire Us.

Become a client: Partner with us to operationalize Liberation from Within at scale. We’ll help you use data, tech and creative production to explode your impact while cultivating your people. We offer team-building, narrative refinement and systems design services rooted in Black Genius to organizations, communities and governments. Clients have included Amazon, Yale, Brooklyn Arts Council and others.

Advertise with us: Reply to this email to advertise on Black Genius, in our newsletters and at our events.

Much love!


Lolade Siyonbola

Olori Lolade Siyonbola is the Founder of NOIR Labs, noirpress and NOIR FEST. She is a Gates Scholar pursing her doctorate at Cambridge University, she has a computer science degree from Mizzou and an African Studies Masters from Yale. Olori believes that technology (digital, spiritual and other forms) must be wielded intentionally in the service of the Liberation of oppressed people everywhere. Using technology, art and community building, she is leading NOIR Labs to inspire and operationalize Black Liberation worldwide.

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