After witnessing setbacks in women’s rights across the U.S. and the world, Melinda French Gates has taken a decisive step forward. In a recent LinkedIn post, the founder of Pivotal and co-chair of the Gates Foundation announced her commitment to invest an additional $1 billion over the next two years in organizations dedicated to supporting the health, well-being, and empowerment of women and girls.

Melinda French Gates expressed a deep sense of urgency following years of observing the rollback of women’s rights, both domestically and internationally. Motivated by this, she is directing substantial new grants to U.S.-based organizations working to advance women’s power and influence. These grants are intended to support these organizations in taking a more proactive role, as they have often been constrained by limited resources, forced into a defensive posture while adversaries of progress have operated on the offensive.

In an innovative approach to philanthropy, French Gates is also broadening the circle of decision-makers. She has allocated $20 million each to 12 respected leaders, empowering them to distribute these funds to charitable organizations dedicated to improving women’s health and well-being worldwide. This strategy aims to get resources to where they are most urgently needed, swiftly and effectively.

Additionally, French Gates announced plans to launch a $250 million global initiative later this year. This call to action will focus on identifying and funding community-led organizations that prioritize women’s mental and physical health. The overarching goal is to enable women and girls to take control of their narratives and influence global agendas.

“For decades, I’ve watched women and girls fight to get on the global agenda,” French Gates stated. “It’s time women and girls set that agenda themselves.”

This bold commitment reflects Melinda French Gates’ ongoing dedication to gender equality and her belief in the power of women and girls to shape the future. By mobilizing significant resources and fostering leadership within the philanthropic community, she is taking concrete steps to ensure that women’s voices are not only heard, but leading the charge for change.

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