In ancient Kemet, the cradle of human civilization, there flourished a profound system of spiritual wisdom through a pantheon of gods, comparable to Hinduism today. Dr. Muata Ashby, in his groundbreaking series Egyptian Yoga, masterfully traces many of the symbols and figureheads of modern Hinduism to their origins in ancient Kemet, revealing Kemet’s far-reaching influence on multiple religions and mythologies worldwide. While some may dismiss these ancient teachings as mere myths, the universal truths they express contain transformative wisdom that remains powerful and relevant today.

One of the most illuminating concepts from ancient Kemet is Smai Taui, or Egyptian Yoga. Here, Yoga transcends mere physical postures to encompass a profound science of higher consciousness. Central to Smai Taui is the relationship between Heru and Set. While parallels are often drawn between Heru and Christ, as well as between Set and Satan, the Kemetic understanding offers deeper, more nuanced wisdom. Indeed, while evidence suggests that modern Christianity incorporated elements from multiple ancient traditions, including Kemetic spirituality, the original symbolism contains distinct and powerful teachings.

Heru and Set: The Divine Dance of Consciousness

Heru, symbolized by the majestic hawk, embodies divine wisdom and righteous authority. He ruled Upper Kemet, present-day Ethiopia, where the sacred mountains feed the mighty Nile – one of the few rivers that flows south to north, mirroring the ascension of consciousness. Set, represented by the serpent, governs emotions and ruled Lower Kemet, modern-day Egypt. When Upper Kemet guided Lower Kemet, the civilization flourished in peace and prosperity. When Lower Kemet dominated, chaos and discord prevailed.

This sacred mythology provides a profound map of human consciousness. Upper Kemet represents your conscious mind, Lower Kemet your subconscious mind. Physically, Upper Kemet corresponds to your brain, and Lower Kemet to your heart. Philosophically, Upper Kemet embodies your logic and wisdom, while Lower Kemet represents your habits and emotions. Spiritually, this duality reflects the eternal dance between spirit and flesh.

The Two Minds: Masters of Thought and Feeling

First, let us explore the conscious mind – your seat of awareness and intentional thought. Here you can direct your thoughts to shape the inputs that influence your subconscious mind. These inputs comprise all the information you absorb throughout your day: media consumption, literature, conversations, music, social interactions, and every form of knowledge you encounter.

Your subconscious mind orchestrates all automatic functions: breathing, organ processes, habitual thought patterns, and learned behaviors. It processes the imprints made by your daily inputs, storing this information for future use. Its primary purpose is to automate functions that would otherwise overwhelm the conscious mind. Imagine having to consciously control every breath or heartbeat – life would be impossible to navigate.

Recent scientific discoveries have revealed that the heart generates thousands more thoughts than the brain. This reflects how the subconscious mind operates primarily through feelings and emotions, whose complexity far exceeds that of linear thought. Consider it like digital files: if thoughts are images, feelings are full-length films.

The Battle for Self-Mastery in Modern Times

This is why Lower Kemet must be guided rather than allowed to rule. When your emotions align with a crystal-clear mental vision of your desires, your subconscious becomes a powerful ally in manifesting your aspirations. The clearer your vision and the stronger your emotional connection to it, the more swiftly your reality transforms.

However, most people allow their emotions to guide them unchecked. We often begin our internal dialogue with “I don’t feel like it” when facing important but challenging tasks. Corporate marketing expertly exploits this tendency – consider how Coca-Cola’s “do what feels good” campaigns overshadow health concerns by appealing directly to emotional impulses.

This “follow your feelings” philosophy pervades our instant-gratification society. Yet the true power of the conscious mind lies in its ability to shape what feels good. You can train yourself to find pleasure in health and motivation, to embrace post-workout soreness, to derive satisfaction from doing what others won’t do to create an extraordinary life.

The Path to Higher Consciousness: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Liberation

Your subconscious operates purely through thought and feeling habits. This is why spiritual teachers throughout history have emphasized the importance of emotional investment in your goals – these emotions create powerful imprints on the subconscious mind, which then aligns your internal patterns with your desired outcomes. Without conscious direction, emotions control destiny.

If you do not intentionally shape your thought habits and emotional patterns, they will be molded by external circumstances, leaving you at their mercy. Reacting emotionally to life’s events means life is living you, rather than you living life. True empowerment comes from consciously choosing thoughts and emotions that serve your highest good.

The human brain’s default negative programming evolved for survival. However, truly living requires transcending mere survival. To fully actualize our potential, we must consciously override our default programming and direct our subconscious mind toward our chosen destiny. This transformation happens through careful curation of our inputs and daily practice of emotional alignment with our goals, until the duality of upper and lower dissolves into unified consciousness – the ultimate meaning of Smai Taui.

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    Abioseh Joseph Cole

    Abioseh Joseph Cole is a licensed financial coach, business mentor, poet, Hip-hop artist, producer and engineer. He also works as a patient care coordinator at medically supervised weight loss clinics across the state of Connecticut. He is passionate about his personal development, and takes every opportunity to share garnered information with his community. Learn more about his financial services here. You can also reach him by email with any specific questions. 

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