
How’s your social life? Do you feel deeply connected to the people around you? Do you have a consistent community of folks who are deeply invested in your success and capable of helping you achieve your dreams at the highest level?

I hear so much from people about how unsupported they feel in their communities, friend groups, professional environments. So many of us need authentic, loving emotional and psychosocial support. People to call out our genius, amplify our talents, show us the path to fulfillment, remind us that we are capable.

Because of the nature of this white hegemonic global culture, we need it constantly. If we were left to our own devices, most of us would be completely discouraged from pursuing our dreams in just 24 hours of engaging with “normal” ideology or content.

“Normal” meaning not pursuing your dreams. “Normal” meaning compromising and lining up with the ~92% of humanity who never live up to their highest potential.

It’s not your fault

If 92% are struggling to fulfill their dreams, it’s no wonder they’re not able to be of true, consistent encouragement to their friends, family members, colleagues.

Those who do fulfill their dreams follow a wide range of “formulas”. Whether through religious, spiritual or other systems, most successful people reference a practice very similar to the Law of Attraction.

What do you think? Is the Law of Attraction a bunch of hocus pocus? Or is it like gravity: always at work whether you believe in it or not?

This law and the people who swear by it, follow a pretty consistent formula (algorithm): We have thoughts…those thoughts produce expectations…those expectations lead to actions…and those actions lead to results. I like to call this the manifestation algorithm.

Now people with extreme discipline, belief and resources can follow this algorithm until they become one of the 8% of humans who fulfill their potential. Even if they don’t have a “friend” in the world. But most people will require a dedicated, quality community to fulfill their highest potential.

Community ^ Quality = Thriving

The quality of our community is what determines the quality of our results. Our community also determines whether our journey to our North Star is filled moreso with joy, ease and success, or with heartbreak, exhaustion and failure.

How would you rate the quality of your community? How connected do you feel to the people around you, and how much does their presence drive real results for you on your journey to your North Star?

How would you rate the quality of your community? How connected do you feel to the people around you, and how much does their presence drive real results for you on your journey to your North Star?

I’ll tell you one thing, you being part of this community must mean that you are pretty high up there on the quality meter. In my 20 years of community building, folks have consistently highlighted the incredible value of the people around me. And they’ve always been right.

We have a truly unique set of visionary, caring, kind and supportive people here. Not to mention the level of genius.

​Vibing with Genius

I look forward to creating more opportunities for us to break bread, especially along the lines of our interests and passions.

In the meantime, you can experience bits and pieces of authentic noir connection in the coming weeks. Check out a live I did with the homie, Collin Edouard, ethnomusicologist getting his PhD at Yale. We’ll be at this event which he’s co-hosting with the Music Department to highlight indigenous medicinal sound energy.

The conversation with Collin inspired me to schedule more laid back conversations with brilliant minds and hearts. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the list and realized they were all Haitian, including Collin!

I’ll be speaking with Martine Bruno next Monday on the noirpress account, with Jennifer Pierre on Oct 12 and with Jean-Louis Reneson very soon. I love me some Ayiti energy no doubt!

Baby girl Ye and I did our second video Monday where we taught a bit on the law of attraction and the second thing that all Black people need to know. Check it out. More vids coming soon.

If you loved this, add some juice to our spaceship’s tank to power more aspirational Black content.

Towards a community that is deep and fierce, and never lets you go,


Events & Opportunities to Feast Your Soul

Afrogalactic Tea Party 

Into the Afroverse (6th Dimension + NXHVN)

To stay connected, focused and active as the cold flows in, get tight with this community for 21 Days.

Get your Portal X profile!

Lolade Siyonbola

Olori Lolade Siyonbola is the Founder of NOIR Labs, noirpress and NOIR FEST. She is a Gates Scholar pursing her doctorate at Cambridge University, she has a computer science degree from Mizzou and an African Studies Masters from Yale. Olori believes that technology (digital, spiritual and other forms) must be wielded intentionally in the service of the Liberation of oppressed people everywhere. Using technology, art and community building, she is leading NOIR Labs to inspire and operationalize Black Liberation worldwide.

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