Roy Allela, a Kenyan inventor and tech enthusiast, has made a significant impact on the world of assistive technology with his pioneering invention, Sign-IO. This smart glove, designed to translate sign language into speech in real-time, is transforming how the hearing-impaired communicate, offering newfound accessibility and independence.

The inspiration for Sign-IO came from a deeply personal place. Allela’s niece was born deaf, and her inability to communicate with family members who did not know sign language was a constant challenge. This communication barrier motivated Allela to find a solution that would bridge this gap, allowing his niece and others like her to interact more easily with the world around them. This personal connection drove Allela’s determination to create a device that would enable seamless communication.

Creating Sign-IO was a complex and iterative process that required blending advanced technology with practical usability. Allela leveraged his background in data science and his passion for modern technology to develop the smart glove. The glove is equipped with flex sensors embedded on each finger. These sensors detect the bending and positioning of the fingers, capturing the specific movements used in sign language.

The data from the flex sensors is transmitted via Bluetooth to a mobile application designed to work in tandem with the gloves. The app processes the finger movements and translates them into audible speech in real-time. This translation process relies on a database of American Sign Language gestures, which the app uses to accurately interpret the signs.

One of the standout features of Sign-IO is its adaptability. Recognizing that people sign at different speeds and have unique styles, Allela designed the app to allow users to customize the voice output. Users can adjust the gender, pitch, tempo, and delay of the voice that represents them, making the device comfortable and intuitive for anyone to use.

In addition to its technical capabilities, Sign-IO is also designed with user appeal in mind. The gloves can be customized with various themes and colors, such as princess or Spider-Man designs, to make them more attractive and reduce any stigma associated with wearing assistive devices. This thoughtful design ensures that the gloves are not only functional but also fashionable, especially for younger users.

Since its introduction, Sign-IO has received widespread acclaim and recognition. In 2018, Allela’s innovative creation won the Hardware Trailblazer Award at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) global finals contest. This prestigious award highlighted the groundbreaking nature of his work and brought international attention to the potential of Sign-IO to change lives.

The glove’s impressive 93% accuracy rate in translating sign language gestures into speech has made it a valuable tool for communication. This high level of accuracy ensures that users can rely on the device for clear and effective communication, whether in personal interactions, educational settings, or professional environments.

Allela’s vision for Sign-IO extends far beyond its current achievements. He is committed to making the technology accessible to as many people as possible, particularly in educational settings. By introducing Sign-IO in schools across Kenya, Allela aims to enhance learning experiences for hearing-impaired children and promote greater inclusivity. He believes that equipping students with this technology can empower them to participate fully in classroom activities and interact more easily with their peers and teachers.

Moreover, Allela is continuously working to improve and expand the capabilities of Sign-IO. He is exploring ways to integrate the technology with other sign languages beyond American Sign Language, potentially broadening its usability worldwide. This commitment to innovation ensures that Sign-IO will remain at the forefront of assistive technology, adapting to meet the evolving needs of its users.

Roy Allela’s journey with Sign-IO is a testament to the power of personal motivation and the potential of technology to create positive change. His dedication to solving a communication challenge faced by his niece has led to a device that offers independence and accessibility to the deaf community. Allela’s work serves as an inspiration to other inventors and social entrepreneurs, demonstrating how innovative solutions can emerge from personal experiences and a desire to make the world a better place.

As Sign-IO continues to evolve and reach new users, Roy Allela’s legacy as a pioneer in assistive technology will undoubtedly grow. His story is a powerful reminder of the impact one individual can have in creating inclusive solutions that benefit society as a whole. Through Sign-IO, Allela has opened up new possibilities for communication, helping to break down barriers and build a more inclusive world for the hearing-impaired.


1. AfroTech – “This Kenyan Inventor Is Behind A Smart-Glove That Translates Sign Language Into Speech In Real Time” by Josh Rodgers, March 27, 2023.

2. – Referenced for background information about Roy Allela and his inspiration.

3. ADC – Roy Allela’s quotes about the functionality and customization of the Sign-IO gloves.

4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Mentioned for awarding Roy Allela the Hardware Trailblazer Award in 2018.

5. Yahoo Tech- “Kenyan Innovator Creates Smart Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Audible Speech”, February 9, 2023.

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