In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and business, a revolutionary concept is taking shape: Building Black Technology. This approach is not about exclusion, but rather about creating technology that empowers, uplifts, and resonates with Black experiences while promoting universal values of joy, peace, and thriving. As a leader in your organization, understanding and embracing this concept could be the key to unlocking new markets, inspiring innovation, and creating products with deep cultural resonance.

The Nigeria-US Connection: A Goldmine of Talent

One of the most exciting aspects of this new paradigm is the untapped potential of cross-continental collaboration, particularly between the United States and Nigeria. The growing pool of skilled Nigerian talent in both tech and creative spaces presents an unprecedented opportunity for global leaders.

Imagine tapping into a workforce that not only brings technical skills but also offers diverse language abilities and rich cultural insights. This collaboration has the potential to drive innovation, reduce costs, and create a more globally-minded organization. For US-based CEOs, it’s an opportunity to diversify your talent pool. For Nigerian tech founders, it’s a chance to showcase your expertise on a global stage.

Operational Excellence Through Diversity

Building a diverse team isn’t just about meeting quotas – it’s about creating a robust, adaptable organization. A team that includes Scrum Masters, Product Managers, Developers, and Content Creators from various backgrounds can help your organization stay agile, innovative, and responsive to market needs.

Data: The New Oil of the Digital Age

In 2024, data isn’t just important – it’s the lifeblood of the digital economy. As a leader, it’s crucial to reconsider how your organization collects, stores, and uses data. The companies that will thrive in this new era are those that prioritize user privacy and data ownership.

Consider developing strategies that not only protect user data from potential adversaries but also empower users to control their own information. By leading in ethical data practices, you can build trust and loyalty among your user base – a priceless commodity in today’s market.

Afrofuturism: Not Just Culture, But Business

Afrofuturism isn’t merely a cultural movement; it’s a business opportunity waiting to be seized. By bringing Afrofuturism into the present through practical applications, you can tap into a growing market hungry for innovative products and services.

Take, for example, the concept of “New World Haven,” an Afrofuturist comic strip mentioned in our source. This project demonstrates how storytelling and world-building can be powerful business strategies. As a leader, consider how you can incorporate these elements into your brand narrative and product design.

Embracing Technological Thinking

Finally, to truly thrive in this new era, it’s crucial to foster “technological thinking” throughout your organization. This means embracing technology not as an external force, but as an extension of our innate human capabilities – our indigenous knowledge and science.

By encouraging your team to see technology as a tool for operationalizing experiences and processes, you can create a more efficient, innovative organization ready to tackle future challenges.

As we move towards a more connected, technologically-driven future, the concepts of Building Black Technology and leveraging global talent offer exciting opportunities for growth, innovation, and positive social impact. As a leader, embracing these ideas could put you at the forefront of the next wave of technological and business innovation. The future is here, and it’s more diverse, more connected, and more exciting than ever before. Are you ready to lead the charge?

Mayowa Tafa


Mayowa Tafa is an editor at noirpress, a salesperson by day, and journalist by night. With a robust background in economics and marketing, Mayowa brings a unique perspective to every piece of writing. He is passionate about black liberation, literary excellence, and uncovering hidden stories, Mayowa strives to inform, inspire and engage readers through thoughtful and impactful journalism.

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