Last week marked a significant milestone in the journey of Rose Delilah Gesicho, a passionate data scientist, as she embarked on an extraordinary opportunity in Botswana. Invited by Forbes 30 Under 30, Rose found herself on a panel alongside esteemed individuals, including Bola A., moderated by Dewald Rademeyer, Senior Producer at CNBC Africa. The focal point of discussion: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the African continent.

Initially, disbelief clouded Rose’s mind upon receiving the invitation. It seemed surreal, a momentary lapse that was quickly dispelled by subsequent communications with the Forbes team. With excitement bubbling beneath the surface, Rose meticulously maintained her composure, lest she alert her “village people.”

Arriving in Gaborone, Botswana, Rose was greeted by a meticulously arranged setup, befitting the occasion. As she was mic’d up, ready to take the stage where luminaries like Nick Cannon had once stood, the magnitude of the moment hit her. It was an opportunity of a lifetime.

The panel discussion unfolded seamlessly, albeit with a hint of nervousness from Rose, who nevertheless wished for it to extend indefinitely. The audience, comprising over a thousand entrepreneurs, hung onto every word, recognizing the transformative potential of AI in their respective fields.

Post-panel, Rose engaged with attendees who shared their experiences of integrating AI into diverse industries, ranging from medical and beauty to fashion, diamond, and coffee. However, amidst the enthusiasm, a glaring gap emerged – the lack of outreach and education on emerging technologies for individuals outside the technical realm.

Rose acknowledged this void and expressed a commitment to bridging it. She recognized the importance of demystifying AI and making it accessible to all, irrespective of their domain expertise. Empowering entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools to leverage AI for productivity and efficiency while minimizing costs is paramount in driving economic growth and innovation across Africa.

The experience in Botswana wasn’t just confined to the panel discussion. Rose had the honor of meeting the High Commissioner of Kenya and her deputy, both deeply invested in fostering technological advancement among Botswana’s youth. Their shared vision for enabling youth to engage with emerging technologies and connect with technologically advanced nations resonated deeply with Rose.

Reflecting on the entire experience, Rose expressed gratitude to Forbes for the invaluable platform and exposure provided. The Forbes 30 Under 30 summit in Botswana wasn’t just a professional accolade; it was a catalyst for change, igniting a passion within Rose to drive meaningful impact through AI education and outreach.

Rose’s journey in Botswana epitomizes the transformative power of AI and the importance of inclusive technological advancement. As Africa embraces the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is individuals like Rose who will lead the charge, empowering communities, and shaping a brighter future for the continent.

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