‘I need you’ – BLACK to the FUTURE PRINT © 2022 Jerell Gantt

Our Stories are Lit

The best of the TRUTH of the Zionist Genocide of the Palestinians can be found in our stories. Alongside other good shit.

From BBC’s blatant intentionality in mistranslating the testimony of a Palestinian hostage, to a new chant popularized at a recent NY protest (‘NYPD, KKK, IDF, You’re all the same’) the best of the truth is out there roaming wild.

Amidst all this madness is the reality of Seasonal Affective Disorder at the height of cuffing season. Many of us are out here digesting these traumatizing images of World War III without anyone to hold onto. It’s time to fix that.

Who Wants to Die Alone?

Not you, I’m sure. From our recent newsletters about relationship building to execute elusive goals, to our current tracking of the Black Love Crisis, we have much to say about Black love.

How are you holding up? Are you in an amazing relationship? OR looking for one? Are you happily dating yourself? Or in another category…

With all these stories about horrible Black relationships, it’s easy to doubt that real love is out there. But there are so many beautiful stories to the contrary.


Black Love is Eternal

Congratulations to the Dozier-Williams clan on their stunning nuptials in Puerto Rico this past month.

Black love still exists. And it’s possible for you too. Whether it looks like a white wedding or a throuple, we believe that it’s possible to have thriving romance in our communities, with healthy families and children who are lavishly loved upon.

Mrs. & Mr. Kristen & Olamide Dozier-Williams. 2023. Puerto Rico.

The patriarchy has stolen so much from us, telling us what Black love should look like. So it’s fooled us into perpetuating our Mother Wound traumas into each other and into our children’s lineages.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Maybe everything doesn’t have to be monogamy forever. Maybe Will & Jada are onto something. They’re walking each other home, as we all should be <3

Evidence of Black Love

Wanna see more evidence of the power of Black love? Check out our stories.

It’s going to take a sexual revolution to heal this planet. More touch means more kindness means more unity means more Liberation. If you’re looking for your bae, we recommend Hinge and SPILL.

Found on Hinge.

The Brooklyn Innovation Portal is Coming

We could not be more thrilled that NOIR Labs, Co is the lead consultant on the Brooklyn Arts Council’s upcoming Brooklyn Innovation Portal. This platform promises to change the game for artists all over the world, starting with planet Brooklyn.

Want to know more about it? Look out for our upcoming publications about the history, vision and plan for the platform. platform promises to change the game for artists all over the world, starting with planet Brooklyn.

Want to know more about it? Look out for our upcoming publications about the history, vision and plan for the platform.

Did you know that the Brooklyn Arts Council gave both Spike Lee and Laurie A. Cumbo their first artist grants? After 50 years and millions in grants awarded, the Brooklyn Innovation Portal signals a new era for the Brooklyn Arts Council’s impact on Brooklyn and the world.

Want to contribute to the vision? The RFP for software development just dropped.

Want to build something game-changing? Book a consultation for our Ubuntu-Agile services here.

Connect More Deeply

Spiritual messages from Khama Ankhu

Mastering Blissipline

Fungi for Wellness (20% OFF)

Voice Note to the Black Globe

Pre-sleep meditation

Give More Freely

Want to see an end to racism? Want to see Black people restored to the pinnacle of human genius? Want to spread more Black love? Then help us put more aspirational Black stories out into the world. Donate here to support the next season of Black Genius. Reply to this email to advertise.

Be More Genius

Want deeper community around your dreams? Register for the next 21 Days to Liberated Habits (Dates will be updated soon, but a new course begins the 10 days preceding every quarter. The next is Dec 20)

Have a lot to say on news from the Black globe? Write for noirpress​

Send us your events! Send us your news! If you have stuff coming up a month or more out, please let us know so we can share it with this community.

Need help fulfilling your highest potential? Tap into the Portal X algorithm. Become a founding member now

Want to see more harmony in your team? Book an Ubuntu-Agile Team Retreat

Meet the Artist

Jerell Gantt is an artist specializing in the documentation of the black experience. His art honors his Ancestral heritage, pride in our current movement and bright hopes for the future.

Beyond everyday canvas, his art is expressed onto furniture and other unlimited materials. His greatest joy comes from seeing those who enjoy his work and experience their reflection.

See more of their work here.

Support our work

It takes a village to Liberate Black people!

We’re grateful for your continued support. He who feeds you controls you. We want to be controlled only by our devotion to the Liberation of our people. If you believe more Black people need frequent access to information, communities and experiences that Liberate us from within, permanently, then join us! DonatePartner or Hire Us.

​Become a client: Partner with us to operationalize Liberation from Within at scale. We’ll help you use data, tech and creative production to explode your impact while cultivating your people. We offer team building, narrative refinement and systems design services rooted in Black Genius to organizations, communities and governments. Clients have included Amazon, Yale, Brooklyn Arts Council and others.

Advertise with us: Reply to this email to advertise on Black Genius, in our newsletters and at our events.

Much love!


Lolade Siyonbola

Olori Lolade Siyonbola is the Founder of NOIR Labs, noirpress and NOIR FEST. She is a Gates Scholar pursing her doctorate at Cambridge University, she has a computer science degree from Mizzou and an African Studies Masters from Yale. Olori believes that technology (digital, spiritual and other forms) must be wielded intentionally in the service of the Liberation of oppressed people everywhere. Using technology, art and community building, she is leading NOIR Labs to inspire and operationalize Black Liberation worldwide.

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