For decades, a persistent narrative has painted the Crips’ origins as a community defense organization, born from the ashes of the Black Panthers’ destruction in Los Angeles. However, a deeper examination of historical records, founder testimonies, and the social landscape of 1960s South Central Los Angeles reveals a more nuanced story that challenges this widely accepted origin myth.
The streets of South Central Los Angeles in the late 1960s were already home to a well-established ecosystem of street organizations long before the Crips emerged. Groups like the Slausons, the Businessmen, the Gladiators, and the Alphas operated under strict codes of conduct that seem almost quaint by today’s standards. Violence rarely exceeded fistfights, and weapons beyond chains or knives were uncommon. These organizations centered their activities around territorial pride, street fighting prowess, and neighborhood identity rather than criminal enterprise.
During this same period, legitimate community defense organizations flourished throughout Los Angeles. In the aftermath of the 1965 Watts Riots, groups like the Sons of Watts emerged to organize community patrols and provide youth mentorship. The Community Alert Patrol (CAP) monitored police activity and documented brutality. The Us Organization and Black Congress maintained formal structures, written missions, and strong community accountability.
It was against this backdrop that the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations successfully dismantled the Black Panthers and other Black power organizations, creating a leadership vacuum in the community. The absence of structured youth programs and positive male mentorship left a generation of young Black men without guidance or direction.
Into this vacuum stepped two young men with distinctly different visions. Raymond Washington, just 15 years old when he helped found the Crips, focused on neighborhood unity and emphasized discipline and physical training. His approach remained connected to high school networks and was largely modeled after traditional street organizations. Stanley “Tookie” Williams, by contrast, was drawn more to street life and focused primarily on building street reputation and fighting prowess.
The partnership between Washington and Williams emerged from mutual respect in street fighting circles. Washington, operating in East Side South Central, met Williams from the West Side through mutual acquaintances at Washington High School. Despite their different approaches to leadership, they recognized the potential in combining their influence and territories.
The reality of their organization’s purpose, however, stands in stark contrast to the community defense narrative. In his memoir “Blue Rage, Black Redemption,” Williams himself contradicts this origin story, explicitly stating that the organization was primarily focused on street fighting, territory, reputation, and personal power.
To understand what Williams meant by a “street fighting organization” in 1960s South Central requires context. Street fighting organizations of the era operated within defined territories and hierarchies, governed by specific codes of conduct. Fights followed unwritten rules: they were primarily conducted with fists, in specific locations, and adhered to honor codes that seem far removed from the violence that would later characterize gang activity in Los Angeles.
The transformation from street organization to criminal enterprise didn’t happen overnight. As the Crips expanded beyond their original neighborhoods, their membership grew beyond the capacity of structured leadership. The increased availability of firearms, coupled with economic pressures from government policies and the emergence of the drug economy, gradually changed the organization’s character and purpose.
What emerges from this historical examination is neither the romanticized community defense organization of popular narrative nor a predetermined criminal enterprise, but rather a street organization born from the tradition of South Central Los Angeles street groups. While the absence of Black Panther leadership certainly created conditions where such groups could flourish unchecked, the Crips’ origin story is more accurately understood within the context of existing street organization culture.
This history serves as a reminder that even widely accepted narratives deserve careful examination. The story of the Crips’ formation reflects not just the choices of its founders, but the complex social, economic, and political forces that shaped South Central Los Angeles in the aftermath of the civil rights era. Understanding this history in its full context helps explain not only how the organization formed, but why the mythology around its origins has persisted for so long.
Alexander, M. (2010). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Churchill, W., & Vander Wall, J. (1990). The COINTELPRO Papers
Davis, M. (1990). City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles
Vargas, J. C. (2006). Catching Hell in the City of Angels: Life and Meanings of Blackness in South Central Los Angeles